Gimnasio Vermont promotes the formation of competent men and women in the ethical-moral and intellectual fields, to reach the level of critical thinking that allows them to face and respond to the complex challenges of contemporary society.
It conceives its students as men and women with social responsibility and a spirit of service, respectful of individual and group differences typical of the diversity of the planet, compassionate and committed to building community as Colombians and citizens of the world. Human beings who consolidate their life project without limits for the fulfillment of their dreams, desires and goals.
We will be an educational community recognized for the quality and integrity of its students and alumni, visible in their high ethical, moral and intellectual competence. Furthermore, with a deep-rooted sense of social responsibility as citizens of a country and a world in transformation. The aforementioned, based on an educational project in permanent transformation that involves divergent thinking, creativity and research in accordance with the changes and challenges demanded by the historical moment in which we live.
The most important commitment that we have as an institution is to favor the development of the ethical/moral competence of the students and to strengthen the values that are instilled in the home. It is in everyday life that students internalize values and structure their code of ethics during the 14 years of school life. Teachers and other members of the community are models and references for them. The fruit of this formative work is evident in our alumni, as upright, ethical people and citizens committed to contributing to the transformation of Colombia and the world.
Respect: It is the foundation of healthy coexistence in any human context: with oneself, with the other and with the environment. From this value, the student recognizes and accepts individual differences.
Honesty: At school, spaces for dialogue and an atmosphere of tranquility and trust are generated so that the students tell the truth, recognize and validate their mistake as a learning opportunity. Academic probity in teaching, learning and evaluation mean rectitude and honesty in the production of knowledge.
Persistence allows them to overcome difficulties despite the frustration aroused by an end result, accordingly, resilience is the value to experience the satisfaction of the achievement reached by overcoming adversity.
Solidarity: This value refers to the student’s ability to empathize with the other’s situation, be generous and sensitive to the needs and shortcomings of those around them. The caring student develops social responsibility and an attitude of service throughout their school life and in any context in which they find themselves later.
Gratitude: This value expresses human warmth and openness towards the other, recognizing how the actions of those around them contribute to their growth and well-being.
Manifesting gratitude from expressions of courtesy make life more friendly and strengthen relationships and bonds between members of the community.”
- Integrity: Refers to the honest person who recognizes, respects and, therefore, values the other. Integrity is expressed in the coherence between thinking, saying and doing; and, consequently, a person of integrity is willing to dissent and assent from understanding and discernment. They are an authentic, genuine person who generates trust and credibility.
- Equity: Based on this principle, we give each of the students what they require, after appropriately weighing their talents to enhance them, and their difficulties or limitations to provide them with opportunities for growth and the necessary support to overcome them.
- Service: It is the best expression of human growth. Students from a very young age have the opportunity to experience and learn what service is. This begins by awakening in them empathy and compassion for their peers, and for those who require their support and help. In the school, there is an institutional philosophy around service, since this allows students to leave their own self to be with others, identifying in them their needs to respond with an attitude of dedication.
- Search for happiness: The search for happiness is an institutional purpose, therefore, we try to ensure that the daily experiences of the students are friendly and allow them to enjoy school life. Joy favors the organizational climate and guarantees warmth and harmony among the members of the community, which leads to a more pleasant coexistence for all.
In this sense, we consider that good humor, as a symptom of intelligence, makes coexistence more enjoyable and favors interpersonal relationships. Therefore, we reject all forms of unhealthy interactions such as ridicule or sarcasm, as well as mistreatment and bullying, which are configured as disrespectful deviations that deteriorate relationships and the well-being of community members.
At Gimnasio Vermont we believe that:
- The perfectibility of the human being allows the student to value their natural aptitudes and make an effort when carrying out the activities and tasks that increase their personal wealth.
- Intrinsic motivation is a proactive force that guides actions to achieve the fulfillment of personal goals and dreams.
- Mistakes are a learning opportunity: When a mistake is made, from it and from its analysis, great lessons are obtained.
- The spirit of service is born in compassion and sensitivity for the other, and generates social responsibility and commitment.
- Environmental awareness responds to the need to establish a harmonious interaction with nature as a strategy to preserve and value life.
- Research in the classroom is a way to find answers, formulate new questions and thus contribute to the construction of knowledge.
- The value of cooperative work is a strategy to achieve goals, results or products, recognizing the contributions and visions of each of the group members.

Gimnasio Vermont’s flag has two green stripes on the sides that symbolize the formation of an environmental conscience and respect for all forms of life. A white stripe with the logo in the center that signifies our permanent search for peace projects, harmonious coexistence and the exercise of human rights.
CORO An inspiration is what I want my life to be, so that I can leave an imprint that will go on forever through eternity. ” I My dreams are of a world with hope where we all are free. From my Gimnasio I want to be a part of bringing the world harmony. II I want to know all the secrets of the rivers and the sees, what the stars all hide above, what secrets inspire the plants and the trees. III When I go to see Vermont, my future friends are there. I will be part of a language that unites all people who strive to be fair. IV I am proud of my country, and my home, and my school. With respect for one another, we all love each other as God loves us too. Author: María Consuelo Rojas

This tree-shaped logo symbolizes at its root, the dreams and ideals of its founders, who still today leave an indelible mark on the following generations; the trunk represents the teacher, who throughout their formative mission is synthesized in the fruits, the students. The colors metaphorically signify the passion for nature.
Throughout its 75 years, Gimnasio Vermont has been awarded the following distinctions:
Camilo Torres Medals for the Educator in the Bronze, Silver and Gold categories, to Ms. MARÍA ROJAS SÁNCHEZ, founder and director (years).
Simón Bolívar Medals 1994, as a commemoration of the 10th anniversary of the name change to Gimnasio Vermont and the Bilingual Program.
In 2015, during the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the school, the following awards were received:
- Medal and decoration Order of the Congress of Colombia in the Degree of Commander in recognition of the excellent work carried out for the benefit of Colombian education (June 10, 2015)
- Simón Bolívar Medal, Gold Cross category, awarded by the Ministry of National Education for its eminent services rendered for 70 years (issued on November 18, 2015 and awarded on November 26 of the same year).
- Plaque from the District’s Secretary of Education for 70 years of commitment and outstanding service to education in Bogotá.
- Plaque from the University of La Sabana for its 70 years training men and women, committed to the transformation of the country and the world, having as educational pillars academic excellence, solidarity, the spirit of service and respect for others.
- ASOCOLDEP, Colombian Association of Private Education, Medal of Merit in the degree of Chancellor, which honors people and institutions that have stood out for their service to the Association and Colombian education.
- Order of Merit UNCOLI medal and diploma, by the Union of International Schools on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the founding of Gimnasio Vermont.
- Plaque from the Andean Association of International Baccalaureate Schools (AACBI) for its 70 years of work.
- Recognition of the Network of Fathers and Mothers (RedPapaz) for the dedication and effort in the education of children and adolescents.