Department of Philosophy

The philosophical exercise at Gimnasio Vermont contributes to the development of thinking skills, promotes research and deep analysis of ideas, and generates argumentative and discursive skills that favor the development of critical thinking. Likewise, it increases receptivity, listening, care, autonomy, cooperation and cordiality.

At Gimnasio Vermont, Philosophy is a subject that is studied from ninth grade on. There, part of the history of ideas in the West is addressed with the purpose that students appropriate a general panorama of philosophy and at the same time develop skills in reading, analysis, and discussion of the philosophical text. In the tenth and eleventh grades, lessons follow the guidelines of the IB Program, which proposes a critical and reflective analysis of different topics related to the essence of the human being, his attitudes and his behaviors. In addition, our students develop the Internal Assessment (essay) in which they analyze non-philosophical material (advertisements, cartoons, news and others) from a philosophical perspective.

Theory of knowledge

In the tenth and eleventh grades, the Theory of Knowledge course explores questions about knowledge and the process that is inherent in it. Students establish links between the different areas of knowledge, involving thoughts, feelings and actions, to become aware of the value of their own perspectives and those of others.

What do our students say?

“El colegio me inculcó una fascinación por la Filosofía que espero me acompañe toda la vida. Cada vez más la relaciono con todo lo que me rodea”.

Valeria Mojica, class of 2021

“La Filosofía es el sendero por el cual se nos guía a permanecer siempre expectantes, con los ojos abiertos, dispuestos a seguir buscando en un sendero sin fin, que, a pesar de no llegar a puerto fijo, siempre se ve iluminado a la luz del amor por el valor del acto y la mínima posibilidad”.

Simón Chaparro, class of 2021