“We should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once” Friedrich Nietzsche
Gimnasio Vermont students, in their dance class, have access to movement that is thought, emotion, action and expression. Dance at GV is an intellectual process, a way of reasoning, of finding meaning and communicating through non-verbal language, bringing students closer to the world around them in a different way from the multiple possibilities offered by exploring and knowing their own body.
Let’s Dance
Dance, as one of the pillars of artistic training at Gimnasio Vermont, develops and strengthens physical and interpretation skills in students based on the different body languages that they will have the opportunity to learn and practice. During the process, they will incorporate solid knowledge of body control, basic elements of movement, the fundamentals of scenic conception and a strong emphasis on creativity based on improvisation and free and spontaneous movement.
On the other hand, children will understand the symbolic expression of dance, they will develop sensitivity and aesthetic criteria as a source of training. Likewise, they will appreciate and value the different cultural manifestations in their dance classes.
We firmly believe in the contribution of dance to the comprehensive training of students, conceived from a space where play, exploration, the enjoyment generated by music and the innate joy of boys and girls, are configured in the main strategies that guide the process.

Passion for dance, this sums up the work of the department’s teachers. Professional dancers from the most renowned ballets in the country, with training in the different genres and dance techniques who have wondered about the matter of teaching and learning this artistic discipline. This has led them to continue expanding their professional training in education.
Rehearsal rooms

The school has specialized classrooms with the technical and infrastructure requirements for learning and practicing dance.